Numero 22 – 2023 – International Edition – Special Issue: Ehma 2023

I feel greatly honoured to introduce this edition of the Abstract Book published in the framework of the 28th edition of the EHMA Annual Conference, EHMA 2023. Our conference is recognised as the preeminent annual meeting of health management thanks to the outstanding contributions of the many abstract presenters, and speakers who each year showcase inspiring developments that are achieving excellence in health management across Europe, and the rest of the world. 

The EHMA 2023 Abstract Book is the result of an extensive collective effort. As every year, a group of distinguished reviewers from the EHMA membership and the network of the conference Co-Hosts join forces to assess the 280 submitted abstracts. By giving a voice to hundreds of researchers, practitioners, and experts, who have dedicated their careers to investigating the practice of health management, this publication supports the progress towards excellent health management for sustainable and resilient health systems across Europe.

The Board of Directors and I are committed to the EHMA mission of spreading knowledge on effective health management and leadership. We are pleased to have our Annual Conference as a powerful platform to achieve these objectives. As an EHMA member for several years, I have witnessed the conference’s reputation, as the preeminent place to share cutting-edge research, innovation and best practices in health management, growing year by year among my peers.

Furthermore, this year, the EHMA Conference will bring together experts from across Europe and the world to discuss solutions on the future of health management and leadership. What makes our conference a unique event in health management is the strong emphasis on innovative practices, as well as the great attention that is paid to the exchange of knowledge on leading, managing and organising healthcare services, and leading health systems in times of constant transformation.

This year, the abstract book is published as a special edition of ProspettiveInOrganizzazione. This journal shares the EHMA mission to support the spread of knowledge on management, with a demonstrated interest in the healthcare sector. Furthermore, the periodical addresses Italian and international scholars and practitioners in business organisation. 

The EHMA 2023 theme is ‘Health management: sustainable solutions for complex systems’. Acknowledging the multifaceted complexity of today’s health management, the intricacy of European health policy, and the new challenges to organisations and systems posed by digital transformation, climate change, and other threats to their sustainable development, the conference aims to facilitate the sharing of enduring, replicable, pioneering solutions. The EHMA Board and Scientific Advisory Committee have also identified the five tracks that shape the program, namely:

  • Governance, leadership, and social responsibility
  • Management, operations, and practice
  • Human capital, professionalism, and people management
  • Finance and economics
  • Policy and regulations

Additionally, five topics were selected to help steer the focus:

  • People-centred systems
  • Health technology and digital transformation
  • Workforce of the future
  • Sustainable and resilient health systems
  • Healthcare access, delivery, and outcomes.

The present publication provides a compendium of innovations that have been adopted across Europe and worldwide and serves as an overview of the current status and operations of European health systems and organisations, as well as a preview of forthcoming trends in health management. The abstract book is structured in a manner that mirrors the Conference programme. It consists of selected abstracts from a record 280 submissions and whose authors consented to their publication.

As a university professor, medical doctor, and President of the European Health Management Association (EHMA), I acknowledge the crucial role of research in informing, transforming, and ultimately improving the management of health systems, organisations, and service delivery. It is my hope that the ensuing pages will furnish all people involved in health management with a handbook of solutions and access to experts to consult. In doing so, this book will facilitate the sharing of best practices and the creation of connections between health leaders and managers throughout Europe.

Professor Sandra C. Buttigieg 
EHMA President 

ALTEMS has accepted with great enthusiasm EHMA’s invitation to host the 28th Annual Conference of a scientific society that has left a tangible mark in the development of healthcare systems across Europe. ALTEMS shares at least three distinctive features with EHMA. The first is the significant focus of all activities and research on robust scientific evidence and on deep relevance for institutions. The second concerns an openness to a multiplicity of disciplines called to jointly develop adequate managerial models for healthcare systems. Finally, the third aspect is precisely the importance that the two organisations recognise in investing in long-lasting relationships with the many and diverse actors who populate health systems. We believe that guaranteeing health protection to as many citizens as possible in the European continent necessarily implies a deep awareness that the health sector is by all means an ecosystem, whose balance must be sought through strategic policies at national and European level. EHMA, as well as ALTEMS, cultivate relationships and collaborations with academic institutions, health institutions of member countries and the EU but also with the industry in the sector and third sector associations, such as those that represent the interests of patients and citizens.

The EHMA 2023 Annual Conference offers a unique opportunity for all those who believe in the power of relationships and in the diffusion of ideas to improve health systems and to promote the health of people.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Rome!

Prof. Americo Cicchetti
Director of ALTEMS

About the EHMA Conference

The EHMA Conference is Europe’s preeminent conference on health management. Each year it gathers the full healthcare ecosystem, including health managers and leaders, healthcare professionals, researchers, academics, industry representatives, and decision-makers from Europe, and beyond.

The EHMA Conference provides a platform to discuss the latest health management research, tools and evidence from renowned researchers, academics and professionals. It is concerned on translating research into practice. It creates opportunities for dialogue and exchange on solutions to ensure the sustainability and resilience of health systems.

The EHMA 2023 Annual Conference

EHMA 2023 is the 28th edition of our Annual Conference.

This year’s conference theme is ‘Health management: sustainable solutions for complex systems’. Three years of the COVID pandemic have exposed gaps and vulnerabilities in European health systems, and the immense pressure on the health and care workforce. Sustainable solutions and strategic thinking are needed to drive the transformation of health systems.

EHMA 2023 is structured around five tracks that reflect the holistic practice of health management, and frame the lenses through which contemporary topics are analysed and discussed.

The European Health Management Association

The European Health Management Association (EHMA) strives for excellent health management for a healthy Europe by supporting the spread of knowledge on effective health management practices. Active since 1982, EHMA exists so that Europe’s citizens and communities can benefit from quality, safe, value-based care and health systems.

Our focus is on enhancing the capacity and capabilities of health management to deliver high-quality healthcare and support the successful implementation of health policy. Our commitment is on supporting the provision of data and research findings for evidence-based decision-making and monitoring health policies and practices.

EHMA is the only membership organisation in Europe to bring together the full health management ecosystem, including health and hospital managers, healthcare professionals, researchers, academia, policy and decision-makers. We are a recognised and respected amplifier of best practices in the evolution of health management, and we provide an environment where evidence, challenge and experience are valued and complex debates on current topics can take place.


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ProspettiveinOrganizzazione è promossa dall’Associazione Italiana di Organizzazione Aziendale (ASSIOA), che si propone di contribuire allo sviluppo e alla diffusione delle conoscenze di Organizzazione aziendale in ogni ambito scientifico ed applicativo. E’ una rivista digitale il cui obiettivo è partecipare al dibattito politico, sociale ed economico su temi rilevanti per il nostro Paese fornendo un punto di vista di analisi organizzativa. L’auditorio è quindi costituito non solo da accademici e ricercatori, ma anche da manager, imprenditori, giornalisti, politici di varie branche, oltre che da gente comune. La rivista ha periodicità trimestrale con quattro uscite all’anno, a cui si aggiunge un numero monografico, che ospita una selezione dei paper più interessanti presentati al Workshop Annuale di Organizzazione Aziendale.

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