Innovation and Organizational Ecosystems: Navigating Tensions and Shaping the Future of Innovation

Francesco Bolici – Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale
Lorenzo Mercurio – Università di Napoli Federico II

Networks play a pivotal role in shaping interactions, connectivity, and mutual reinforcement among various actors (Carayannis & Campbell, 2009; Haythornthwaite, 1996). Research in these complex and interactive contexts often takes an ecosystemic perspective, providing a comprehensive view of how individuals, organizations, and technologies interact to exchange information, resources, and co-create value (Chang & West, 2006; Nachira et al., 2007; Senyo et al., 2019, Bolici et al., 2022). The triple helix model and its evolutions emphasizes how innovation requires the interplay of a variety of actors (academics, industrial players, and governmental institutions) to exploit its full potential (Carayannis et al., 2012; Carayannis & Campbell, 2009; Leydesdorff & Etzkowitz, 1998).

Presently, a wave of digital innovation is fundamentally altering relationship dynamics within organizations. This transformation is generating tensions both at the organization and systemic levels, which are yet to be resolved. Examples include the contentious relationship between privacy and Large Language Models, the impact of Generative AI systems on work practices and design, the role of emerging technologies on intra and inter organizational interdependencies (Eloundou et al., 2023; Stahl & Wright, 2018), and the reshaping of healthcare services toward patient-centric and one-health approaches. Additionally, a network-based perspective to the study of innovation dynamics has been increasingly adopted in the field of banking and finance. This shift is particularly notable with the emergence of fintech and fintech ecosystems (Berman et al., 2022; Lee & Shin, 2018). A similar focus also emerges in industrial organization and sustainability (Riesener et al., 2019), for instance highlighting the significance of collaboration, strategic alignment, and interactions among high-tech enterprises in the aerospace industry, government, and universities throughout the innovation process (Yung et al., 2023). The adoption of a network-based approach also enables the observation of unique challenges and opportunities for SMEs (Khan & Arshad, 2019), such as managing the complexities of open innovation processes with limited resources (Radziwon & Bogers, 2019). 

This call welcomes studies contributing to the understanding of how tensions arising from the introduction of advanced digital technologies will develop and affect innovation dynamics at organizational and ecosystem level. Theoretical and empirical contributions on the following (not exhaustive) themes are welcomed:

  • the impact of innovative technologies on organizations
  • helix models of innovation and the impact of emerging technologies
  • redesigning health systems with innovative perspectives based on the one-health approach
  • how AI systems can influence knowledge diffusion and innovation network dynamics
  • the role of policy makers and institutions in enabling and facilitating ecosystems of innovation
  • managing organizational relationships within innovation ecosystems
  • innovation diffusion in industrial districts and its impact on local communities
  • managing fintech ecosystems and their impact on banking and finance
  • strategic partnerships in finance as innovation driver
  • organizing collaborative networks to foster industrial sustainability and technological advancement
  • enhancing SME participation in innovation ecosystems by leveraging drivers and overcoming barriers

Submission guidelines:

Deadline: 2 August 2024


  1. Berman, A., Cano-Kollmann, M., & Mudambi, R. (2022). Innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems: Fintech in the financial services industry. Review of Managerial Science, 16(1), 45–64.
  2. Bolici, F., Cuel, R., Ghiringhelli, C., & Virili, F. (2022). Ecosystems in Blockchain Competence Certification: An Explorative Multi-Perspective Analysis. In L. Solari, M. Martinez, A. M. Braccini, & A. Lazazzara (Eds.), Do Machines Dream of Electric Workers? (Vol. 49, pp. 99–108). Springer International Publishing.
  3. Carayannis, E. G., & Campbell, D. F. J. (2009). “Mode 3” and “Quadruple Helix”: Toward a 21st century fractal innovation ecosystem. International Journal of Technology Management, 46(3/4), 201.
  4. Carayannis, E. G., Barth, T. D., & Campbell, D. F. (2012). The Quintuple Helix innovation model: Global warming as a challenge and driver for innovation. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 1(1), 2.
  5. Chang, E., & West, M. (2006). Digital Ecosystems A Next Generation of the Collaborative Environment. International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services.
  6. Cuel, R., Virili, F., Ghiringhelli, C., & Bolici, F. (2021). An Emerging Digital Ecosystem: Blockchain Competence Certification Networks. In F. Ceci, A. Prencipe, & P. Spagnoletti (Eds.), Exploring Innovation in a Digital World (Vol. 51, pp. 50–61). Springer International Publishing.
  7. Eloundou, T., Manning, S., Mishkin, P., & Rock, D. (2023). GPTs are GPTs: An Early Look at the Labor Market Impact Potential of Large Language Models (arXiv:2303.10130). arXiv.
  8. Haythornthwaite, C. (1996). Social network analysis: An approach and technique for the study of information exchange. Library & Information Science Research, 18(4), 323–342.
  9. Illario, M., De Luca, V., Triassi, M., et al.  (2022). Interactions Between EIP on AHA Reference Sites and Action Groups to Foster Digital Innovation of Health and Care in European Regions. Clinical Interventions in Aging. Volume 17, Pages 343 – 358.
  10. Khan, Y. K., & Arshad, A. S. M. (2019). Innovation Ecosystem in the Small and Medium Enterprises. Journal of Management Info, 6(1), 51–54.
  11. Lee, I., & Shin, Y. J. (2018). Fintech: Ecosystem, business models, investment decisions, and challenges. Business Horizons, 61(1), 35–46.
  12. Leydesdorff, L., & Etzkowitz, H. (1998). The Triple Helix as a model for innovation studies. Science and Public Policy.
  13. Nachira, F., Dini, P., & Nicolai, A. (2007). A Network of Digital Business Ecosystems for Europe: Roots, Processes and Perspectives.
  14. Radziwon, A., & Bogers, M. (2019). Open innovation in SMEs: Exploring inter-organizational relationships in an ecosystem. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 146, 573–587.
  15. Riesener, M., Dölle, C., & Kuhn, M. (2019). Innovation Ecosystems for Industrial Sustainability. Procedia CIRP, 80, 27–32.
  16. Senyo, P. K., Liu, K., & Effah, J. (2019). Digital business ecosystem: Literature review and a framework for future research. International Journal of Information Management, 47, 52–64.
  17. Stahl, B. C., & Wright, D. (2018). Ethics and Privacy in AI and Big Data: Implementing Responsible Research and Innovation. IEEE Security & Privacy, 16(3), 26–33.
  18. Yung, K. L., Jiang, Z.-Z., He, N., Ip, W. H., & Huang, M. (2023). System Dynamics Modeling of Innovation Ecosystem With Two Cases of Space Instruments. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 70(7), 2394–2403.


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